Kibber Village himachal

Kibber Village Spiti

Kibber Village

Located at an elevation of 14200 feet (4270 meters) is the village of Kibber, lying in a narrow valley on the summit of a limestone rock. Kibber is famous for its cold desert wildlife sanctuary. Kibber village is also the world’s second highest motorable village in the world. The landscape of the village is unique and a photographers delight as it is surrounded by the limestone rock mountains and green fields where the villagers grow wheat, potatoes and sweet peas. Kibber is famous for sightings of snow leopards during winter months and wildlife photographers from around the world come here to try and take the pictures of this elusive cat. The village has a post office, a school and primary health care center.

The village holds great significance for Buddhists as the teacher of current Dalai Lama, Serkong Rimpoche died here in late 80s. The best time to visit Kibber is from mid of May to end of September. For adventure lovers day hikes are available to Chicham, Gette and Tashigang Village. If you are spending a night in Kibber, you will ne awarded with magnificent views of the sky at night and can spot the milky way with naked eye. For travelers there are no fancy hotels but lot of comfortable home stays available.

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